梅开五福 竹报平安
When Plum Blossoms Bloom
梅开五福 竹报平安,是汉语中非常有深度寓意的成语,梅花盛开乃大地回春之际的自然现象,万象更新自然带来新希望,是吉祥如意的时刻,人们藉此为自家祈福也同时向亲朋戚友祝福,梅花的五个花瓣代表福、禄、寿、禧、财五位吉祥之神。身为 “四君子” 之一的梅花,具有坚忍不拔、不屈不挠、奋勇当先、自强不息的精神品质,广为人们认可与喜爱,更被文人艺术家作为常用的创作题材。
自古以来竹子就被中华民族视为吉祥的植物。“竹” 和 “祝” 谐音, “爆” 与 “报” 也谐音,有祝福和报喜的寓意。据说古人用空心的竹子装满火药制作成炮竹,点燃时发出 “呯呯” 的爆响声,“呯呯” 和平安的 “平“ 又刚好谐音,先辈们认定这声响必能驱魔逐鬼,护佑大家平安吉祥,所以每逢过年过节家家户户都用炮竹来驱邪。这就是为何炮竹成为中华民族每逢传统佳节、结婚喜庆、店铺开张等等各种喜庆的必备吉祥物品,许多以儿童燃放炮竹为题材的画作也随之成为吉祥的年画。
The blooming of plum blossoms is a seasonal phenomenon, the new season naturally brings new hope, in this auspicious moment the folks are praying for peace, health and good fortune and at the same time wishing their relatives and friends for all the best. The five petals of the plum blossom symbolize the Five Auspicious Gods :"Fortune", "Authority", "Longevity", "Happiness" and "Wealth". As a member of the four elegantly humanized plants of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, plum blossoms have the spiritual qualities of perseverance, courage and indomitability, plum blossoms are widely appreciated and loved by the Chinese folks, it is very often a favourite subject for literati and artists to apply in their creative works.
Bamboo has been regarded as an auspicious plant since ancient times. In the Chinese language "bamboo" and "wishing" are homophonic, "bang" and "report" are homophonic too, they mean blessing and good news. The indispensable firecrackers for Chinese New Year were originally made with gunpowder stuffed in the hollow centre of bamboo sticks, sound of "bang bang" occurred when they are fired. The ancients believed that the noise could expel evil spirits and keep everyone happily safe. This is why firecrackers have become an essential festive item in traditional Chinese festivals and paintings featuring children setting off firecrackers become auspicious art pieces for new year too.